Pranika is the Manager over Employee and Organization Development at Occidental Petroleum. She has been in training and development for over ten years. Prior to transitioning into human resources and training, she worked as an environmental engineer for five years. Pranika worked at Memorial Hermann for almost 6 years doing training and development, internal consulting and human resources work. She joined Oxy in 2011 and her primary focus includes leadership development and training, change management, team building and employee engagement. Pranika has a passion for educating and developing people at all levels, especially new leaders.
Pranika holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Northwestern University in Environmental Engineering and an MBA from Rice University, Jones School of Business. She is an active member of the Texas Diversity Council and is President of the local Gulf Coast Chapter. She received at DiversityFIRST award in 2010 for her support of diversity and inclusion in the community and workplace. Pranika resides in Houston with her husband and two daughters. She is an avid, amateur photographer and cook and also occasionally writes for a local blog, bigkidsmallcity.com.