
John Story is the founder and Principal Researcher at Storyed Solutions, offering marketing and management research solutions. He is also an Associate Professor at the University of St. Thomas in Houston.
His research focuses on various dimensions of customers’ relationships with brands and on the impact of generational cohorts on management and marketing. He has also done extensive research on recruitment, retention, and the educational experiences of college students.
In industry, he has conducted research for a variety of automobile manufacturers, retailers, and service providers. His work has been published in numerous academic journals, including Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Marketing, and Journal of Product and Brand Management, as well as in practitioner-focused journals, such as Marketing Management. His Short Books on Business are available on Amazon.com.
Prior to entering academia, he spent a number of years with a Halliburton subsidiary, finally managing industrial sales, then owned and operated several small businesses.
John has a BBA and MS from Texas A&M University and a Ph. D. in Business Administration from the University of Colorado.